Tuesday, June 4, 2024

MUGEN Dosokai! These old Japanese MUGEN creators came back...

Link: https://mugedoso.web.fc2.com/

Who do we have that came back in 2021-2024?

  • mouser
  • Adamskie aka あだむすきー
  • Warusaki3 aka 悪咲3号
  • NHK
  • H" aka Hh

And H" was recently added to the list of oldies in the site in March, 2024. Yep, he came back too!

What is the purpose of the site? This is what they have to say (Google translated, quoting half of it):

"This page is a completely backward-looking page where older guys who used to play MUGEN reminisce about the past. If there are any nostalgic people out there, please get in touch."

Who's next to come back? Tilin aka てぃん, the guy who made probably the first Koopa Troopa for MUGEN in 2000, and he also made Twinbee and Suezo? Reiga who made Wario in 2000-01? ROMASAGA EX who made Yoshi in 2005? Let's hope that's the case... Also, it would be cool if HCL aka HCL(т_т) came back and rereleased or updated his SSB chars. Many of HCL's chars are still missing, and are very wanted. Even back in 2012 when I was active, I never found HCL's homepage, or chars. Instead, I found SNS aka SNS(^_^)'s SSB chars, and who knows if they are the same person, or not. They probably are I guess. There is some lost history there.

So, I just downloaded HCL's Mario, and the date on the char is 2011, while SNS's Mario is from 2010, so perhaps SNS changed his name to HCL sometime later.

Yea... good ol times. Lots of Japanese authors have retired... And some came back. Let's hope others too.

Update 6/4/2024: Aww... looks like the site doesn't have all of H's chars at the moment. For example, H's SNK VS. CAPCOM SVC CHAOS chars are not in there. They can be found at his archived old site though. Also, Adamskie made T. Hawk, but his T. Hawk is not found in the site either, along with many other of his chars.

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