Jay_High19's Site (Archived): http://www.freewebs.com/jayhigh19/index.htm
In December 23, 2007, he released Red M&M. Then, 2 days later, he removed the dl link because he uploaded the incomplete ver. by mistake. Then, I don't know if he even reuploaded the completed version. The 2008 archive dates of his site don't have Red M&M show up anywhere, suggesting he never reuploaded him. If that was the case, then Red M&M became ultra extremely rare, and Electrocaid did not have him. Then, sometime in 2014, somebody reuploaded him on Mediafire. Thanks to whoever that person was. Red M&M got reuploaded on Mugen Archive in 2015. As a result, Red M&M was not lost to time, but preserved.
Update 2/5/2025: Daffy will need his pals fixed for newer MUGEN versions. Dos2Win does the trick, but doesn't backup the sff file properly. For this Blog, I fixed Daffy's gif. Added alt link to Barney in case the sendspace link shuts down.
More information is needed if he made this.
- Jay High19 Desktop [Thanks to free_eggs for this stage. Stage is dated 2010, while music is dated 2012. Can't find release thread, and the stage is not found on his site]
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