Saturday, May 18, 2024

Renzo's MUGEN Creations

A collection of Renzo aka Renzoku's MUGEN creations.

Renzo had multiple sites. Here's one that had most of his stuff archived (this site is archived):

This Renzo site is still up and running!

Update 6/15/2024: Marca and Tarma have their portraits glitched for newer MUGEN versions. Use Dos2Win to fix this, and any other chars that have compatibility issues.


  1. Blues (35%, New)
  2. Ken 3rd S.G.M. (25%, New)
  3. Marco Rossi (???%, New) [Author by Lord Decay? Idk if Renzo is Lord Decay, or not]
  4. Ibuki 3rd S.G.M. (Old, New)
  5. Tarma (75%, New)

  1. Battle over the City (Old, New)
  2. Windows for WorkGroups (HiRes, LowRes)

Have anything to add to this page like MUGEN content, or information? Need to contact me, or comment about something? Comment below or email me at All comments will be moderated. I'm free to change/update any of my rules as I like at any time. Last Updated: 6/15/2024.

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