Sunday, May 19, 2024's MUGEN Creations

A collection of aka Deciderio aka Decidério's MUGEN creations. His original chars and his site were extremely obscure. Not even Electrocaid had many of his original chars, but some.

(These sites have been archived)

3rd Site is where you can find information about the chars/stages he hosted, and the 3 stages he made. I just found out while doing this post.

Due to a glitch at Blogspot's side, my previous post of this was age-restricted due to sensitivity. I had to redo the whole post and change things a little, just the wording on Deciderio's sites above. Then all of a sudden, it worked, and there is no warning on this post. Wow.


  1. Deciderio (Test, 2.0)
  2. Eddie (1.0, 2.0)
Mini Game Chars
  1. Malhucos [Like enemies from Final Fight]
Oh wow, I just realized this while visiting Deciderio's 3rd site. He made 3 stages. All 3 of them are missing. Osama Bin Laden's Stage is the one I'm most curious about.
  1. Albert Sabin []
  2. Albert Sabin - Night []
  3. Osama Bin Laden's Stage []
Hosted Chars
He hosted many chars and stages from other authors, but these are the ones that have been archived.

  1. Thunder Hawk by Adamskie [Same version as 50%. Only difference is that the readme was edited by Deciderio to include his site, and he included a common1.cns]
Hosted Stages

Have anything to add to this page like MUGEN content, or information? Comment below or email me at All comments will be moderated. I'm free to change/update any of my rules as I like at any time. Last Updated: 5/19/2024.

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