Monday, June 10, 2024

Toma's MUGEN Creations

A collection of Toma aka とま's MUGEN creations.

Toma's Old Site (Archived):

The above site is still up and running as of 2024! But, it is basically abandoned. Later, Toma moved to his new site at, but then in March 8, 2006, he took everything down and quit MUGEN saying, "I will never be involved with MUGEN again." However, sometime in 2006 and onward, Raien Makoto and Toma released some chars apparently. I don't know if that meant Toma worked with Raien Makoto on these chars, or if Raien Makoto just edited Toma's chars when he was gone. Later, some of Toma's MUGEN stuff were hosted here:, along with Raien Makoto's stuff too, so there is a history between these two guys, but I don't know what.

Toma's stuff were file archived in DGCA, so if you want you can download DGCA, and use it to unarchive them, or you can just download the zip file version.

Update 6/13/2024: Found Raien Makoto's previous site:, and in the update history log, he says, "07/01/27 魔理沙、パチュリー、美汐を代理公開開始". So yea. I'm pretty sure Toma came back in late 2006 to 2007, and allowed Raien Makoto to re-release some of his chars.

Update 6/19/2024: Oops, fixed some information.


  1. Marisa Kirisame (85% [zip], 100% [zip])
  2. Neco-Arc (90% [zip], 6/4/2005)
  3. Warcueid/Red Arcueid (95% [zip], 8/10/2005)
I can't find any of them.
  1. 博麗神社 [Hakurei_Zinja.dgc. 東方萃夢想 ~ Immaterial and Missing Power]
  2. 商店街 [Makoto_Stage.dgc. Eternal Fighter Zero - Bad Moon Edition]
  3. 水瀬家前 朝 [Nayuki_Morning_Stage.dgc. Eternal Fighter Zero - Bad Moon Edition]
  4. 水瀬家前 夜 [Nayuki_Night_Stage.dgc. Eternal Fighter Zero - Bad Moon Edition]
  5. 雨の空き地 [Akane.dgc. Eternal Fighter Zero - Bad Moon Edition]
  6. 体育館 [Mio.dgc. Eternal Fighter Zero - Bad Moon Edition]
  1. IaMP Lifebar [zip. Immaterial LifeBar]
  1. VerEffect [zip. For Touhou lifebars]
Edits from other people except Raien Makoto.

  1. Count Dracula by Unknown [A rename of Warakia]
  2. DiaLog with more pals by Unknown [After I saw that YouTube video of Dialog back in the late 2000s, I really wanted it for my MUGEN, so I searched a lot, and I found this version of Dialog hosted somewhere. I think that was how I first knew about Toma, and Dialog was my fav char of his]
    1. DiaLog Box edited by MUGENDownloads [Mostly just a rename of above version]

Have anything to add to this page like MUGEN content, or information? Need to contact me, or comment about something? Comment below or email me at All comments will be moderated. I'm free to change/update any of my rules as I like at any time. Last Updated: 6/19/2024.

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