Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Hanyou's & YOUKAI's MUGEN Creations

A collection of Hanyou's & YOUKAI's MUGEN creations. Hanyou and YOUKAI shared the same site.

Untouched vers. of 3 of their stages are missing. Instead, I found anonymous edits.

Hanyou's & YOUKAI's Site (Archived): http://paginas.terra.com.br/lazer/hanyou/

Hanyou's Characters
  1. SuperMario64
Hanyou's Stages

  1. Super Mario 64 Stage (mp3) (Original, Edited by Unknown)
YOUKAI's Characters

YOUKAI's Stages

  1. Naruto Stage (Original, Edited by Unknown2)
  2. Vila Da Folha (mp3) (Original, Edited by Unknown3)

Have anything to add to this page like MUGEN content, or information? Need to contact me, or comment about something? Comment below or email me at charmanmugen@gmail.com. All comments will be moderated. I'm free to change/update any of my rules as I like at any time. Last Updated: 6/11/2024.


  1. Why when i play Naruto I can't use substitute tehnique but when I play against the computer it just spams the ability

    1. Aww.... Looks like it is a move reserved for AI only. Simple edit can fix this. Open up cmd file with notepad or something, Go to ";taunt" or, "[State -1, taunt]" and change value to 1950. That should do it.

    2. Oh wait, you can do the other substitute jutsu move already. ~D, DF, F, x+y, so down, down forward, forward, punch and medium punch. The taunt substitute jutsu will require editing though.


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